Got Milk?

December 3, 2008

in Non-Stories

A restaurant owner in Switzerland hoped to use human breast milk for some of the dishes he wanted to offer on a special menu. However, his dream was sucked down the drain by authorities after he advertised for mothers willing to sell their breast milk. You can read more about it here: Breast milk menu too titillating for diners.

After hearing about the Swiss restaurant’s plans, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) called for Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to use human milk instead of cow’s milk in their products. Ben and Jerry’s response: “…a mother’s milk is best used for her child.”

Since we’re on the topic, the Girls Behaving Badly TV series did a prank in which diners purchasing coffee were given shots of “organic milk” directly from a breast (it was a fake one). Here’s the video [Mature Content]:

[x] Sorry this video is no longer available

Girls Behaving Badly also did a prank in which people were served samples of cheeses originating in various countries. Afterwards, they were informed that the cheeses were made from human milk, and pictures of the donors were shown to them. See the video here: [x] Sorry this video is no longer available

Dining Review Tampa September 26, 2008 at 12:08 pm

OK…I think the pranks are funny, but I get a little touchy when people do stuff like this. As a nursing mother it's hard enough to not have people freak out about it. Nursing is a normal act of nature for mom's and babies…the rest of the population should just mind their own business. And come on PETA, really?

Anonymous September 28, 2008 at 3:21 pm

If you didn't like the prank, then you definitely won't want to watch this video where there's nothing fake at all about the delivery device that's adding cream to coffee: Milk in Coffee.

Owen October 28, 2010 at 12:51 pm

lame! they got that idea from Borat. 'member the part where he offers Bob Barr the scumbag from GA some cheese and then tells him it's from his wife's breast milk? swear to god he looked like he was about to hurl. priceless!

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