This may never see the light of day, because the diner I work at is not just another diner from hell. It is a place of political anger, sexual harassment, drug abuse and perhaps even dare I say it………….direct from the owner statements of anger that border on direct incitement to commit assassination.
I had the misfortune to be hired 15 months ago in this business. Since then I have listened to the owner make statements and I quote “all americans are stupid and morons” they have committed genocide against all (read all cyprians/greeks/palestinians), have supplied armaments for the jews led by Henry Kissinger who is apparently trying to take over the world. the owner believes George Bush, Hilary Clinton and every american politician should be hung in front of a frothing crowd of who? I am not sure who he is ranting against, I believe he is angry because, as I said, he is hiring and employing a kitchen staff of at least 13 people who are undocumented, paying them “under the table”, they work 14 hour shifts 6 days a week, live in a house he bought for a song and he takes $300.00 a month off their cash money so they have a place to sleep before they once again walk to work to work the 13 or 14 hours. on his filthy line.
Servers daily text their drug dealers or have customers give them opiates/painkillers. I have been told directly by the owner that I am a moron because I am an American, never because I fucked up an order, insulted a customer, or in any way violated the unspoken agreement between employer and employee. I have in 15 months of employment watched 50% of our customer base disappear. I have watched 25% of the servers hired in that time buy drugs at work, talk or text on cell phones either placing bets, arranging drug buys, often delivered to the back service door of said diner, i have heard hispanic kitchen workers yell “quires comer” every time a waitress walks into the kitchen, and “quires comer” means “want eat?” and they ain’t asking is we want a sandwich. dinner salads are served from a salad bar every server digs through with bare hands… gloves, no tongs, i tell my customers the fruit cup or soup is a better choice prior to their dinner.
I have had enough of the insults to myself, my country, my gender and i don’t like serving toast to people that has been “buttered” with so called butter that has been dropped on the floor, toast that has been dropped on the floor, and hearing the owner say “its okay.” The food is okay, but I am a stupid moron American who has destroyed my own country and this is somehow connected to Henry Kissinger, The “Jews” and all the genocide I am personally responsible for after all I was born an American.
I know this post has zero chance of getting posted, but it is true. Do I believe the owner of this business is a threat to this country? No. I believe he is a shit businessman with no respect for the Americans, women, and a very biased view of the people he employs “off the books”, OSHA, the Department of Health, The Internal Revenue Service and let me stop now. I have had it with this shithole. I welcome any response, from the personal, to the official, that will close this asshole down. Send the mother fucker back to cypress where he can slaughter goats to his hearts content. i don’t want another finger pointed at myself telling me americans are morons and we deserve every suffering day we experience just so this particular cyprian asshole can serve food that is unclean, cooked by undocumented underpaid workers and finally when all is said and done……..he goes back to cypress and what happens to all of us? the morons, the undocumented. let the IRS, the Department of Health, and maybe Homeland Security investigate this lunatic.
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
You can shut him down by proving he is dealing in human trafficking. By making his employees work 13-14 hour days, live in a house he owns and taking money from them for "rent" (you can bet he's not reporting this to the IRS) he is dealing in trafficking which amounts to slavery and is illegal in this country.
With your low-class potty mouth, I am sure you fit right in.
You sound like her boss. "She is stupeed because she ees Amerikeen!"
I like the comment about being sure your comment wouldn't be posted (which you, of course, did as a dare to make sure it would be posted). You're so righteously indignant. How much of your rage is due to general anger about a bunch of foreigners, including those damn Hispanics, overruning your country, rather than about the restaurant biz? I'm sure you are truly concerned aobut the pay of the workers and are a very nice person. Yeah, right.
So why don't you report your employer?
It sucks, but all you can really do is find a job where you are valued and say an F U to him. Report him, do what you can…and then just move on. DO NOT let him take over your perception of life. Then go live it.
hunn i been there believe me omg i had one who owned a r. lobster and omg they hired hoodlums who like to throw steak knives at each other
If you worked there that long & didn't a) quit
or b) turn him in then you are a Moron!
not always that easy! We need money, right? sometimes we stick around longer than we should.
Blah blah blah blah blah!!!
Can these anonymous few people please stop writing fake/ irrelevant stories?
Can you please cease all contact with people who aren't trolls like you.
Hopefully after this they quit /reported the employer! Lots of health code violations.