I was working at a not that great $15 plate chain restaurant one evening. The restaurant closed at midnight. I was pretty busy up until midnight and did not have time to do my cleanup and side chores that all chain restaurants require of servants. Just as I was about to begin my duties, at 11:55, a family walked in – a mom and dad with three kids roughly aged 12,10, and 6. After taking their original order (our kitchen stays open until all the guests are gone), I asked them where they are coming from, as it was awfully late at night for kids to be up. Their mom replied, “The bar.”
After each kid drank roughly 13 glasses of sugary Hi-C and the parents drank a few beers and a few shots, their food arrived. Immediately they ordered 4 more appetizers and 7 more meals. I obliged them because my manager made me. By this time I was sweeping up the restaurant. The little kids were running around the restaurant pretending to be airplanes, ran into my dustpan tipping over 15 minutes of work, and ran into me making me drop my 4 other beers they ordered. I could go on.
At the end of their meal, it was 2:20 in the morning (closed at midnight), the dad came up to me with a grin on his face as the family was departing, told me thanks, and handed me personally some money. It was 11 cents. As he walked out I nearly lost my cool and chucked an empty bottle of beer at him, but instead threw it at the kitchen so he couldn’t see it smash. I hope his children slept well that night.
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Worst incident (minus ones involving food poisoning) posted on here. My condolences, I would have probably thrown something very large at them.
I tell ya man, I have no sympathy for the small-tippers. As someone who worked a food service job (delivery) when I was younger, you get used to those tips to help pay for everything. I think people today need to educated in the proper are of tipping, or face the consequences.
Usually a small tip, especially handed to you, means you did a poor job. We can tell by your post that you resented them being there that late, and judges them by the fact that they and their kids were up so late. I'm pretty sure that came through in your service as well.
I worked as a waiter, and I had people forget tips, or tip a small amount, but 11 cents??? No one thinks that is a reasonable tip for a sit down restaurant. You were being told that you did a bad job. You were being judged, just as you were judging. Hopefully you learned the lesson.
Unfortunately, more often than not, that's not the true reason for a small tip. There are millions of shitty people out there, and nearly all of them go to a restaurant once in a while. Perhaps that family realized they've already spent too much money on food and drinks and decided to "save on the server" (a classic white trash move), or perhaps they "didn't believe in tipping". It is even remotely possible that while they intended to tip, in their drunken stupor they forgot to actually put a few extra bills on the table. Who knows?
Hugh, while you may be correct, I would doubt it. the family wrote the restuarant an email the next week "praising" my service. The old verbal tip in place. While it is possible they were being sarcastic, I do not think someone would go to all that trouble. But maybe. Thanks
Author…surprising you didn't mention that in the post, only when challenged. I'm throwing the BS card…I doubt it, just doesn't pass the smell test.
Hugh, just because you didn't mention something doesn't mean you're lying
That is okay Hugh. I do not care. I didn't mention it because it is not part of the actual story. It happened later. Anyway, believe it or not. And I hope that it inspires others to think more positively about their experiences. I know that when I am having a bad day the story gives me hope- much like clowns. My life might be bad right now, but it could be worse. I could be a clown. Even if you think it is a fairy tale you can still use it in your life. Peace and harmony, author
Umm, ok author. What color is the sky in YOUR world??
hey, have you ever heard the phrase "let it go?"
seriously troll, let it go. its just a post on a website. no reason to get the sand all in your vag dude.
Troll alert! Troll alert!
You could have reported them to Children's & Family Services Dept.. in your state.
Hugh is an idiot.
Not only is Hugh an idiot, he's a self satisfied troll. He acts the same way over on flightsfromhell
Hughes isn't an idiot, perhaps just a bit to judgmental.