My wife, Karen, and I were vacationing in Camden, Maine where we ate at a nearby seafood restaurant. The place was packed, but we were able to get a table. Karen ordered a big bowl of mussels steamed with butter and wine. When the waitress delivered the mussels to our table, we could smell a feted aroma emanating from the bowl. Karen ate a mussel and became nauseated. The waitress said that they served steamed mussels all of the time without any complaint. After a bit of coaxing, the perturbed waitress started to carry the bowl away from the table. The bowl slipped out of her hands and the contents spilled onto Karen’s jacket, clothes, purse and camera. Karen stood up and screamed. The restaurant became silent as all eyes fell on our table. Fortunately she wasn’t burned, but Karen’s clothes were stained and she stank. The restaurant agreed to have the jacket and clothes professionally cleaned and gave us a coupon for a future meal. However, the stains never came out, and we had to endure a lingering aroma of rancid mussels on Karen’s purse and camera case throughout the rest of our trip.
Signed, Steamed
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They should have offered to replace the purse and camera for ruining them! And the clothes when the cleaning didn't remove the stains.
That's awful.
Rule one of eating seafood: If it smells even a bit off, don't eat it.
Accidents happen. Are you perfect? Never spilled a thing?
This I think more of the complaint of the smell then the spill.